Tag Archives: Protection

Undeserved protection

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from troubles and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7


“Come see what God did for us,” my husband said. A classic Midwest thunderstorm raged outside—complete with roaring thunder, pounding hail and close lightening. The storm woke both of us in the middle of the night.

I followed him downstairs thinking the damage we were spared couldn’t have been too bad because his voice remained steady. Yet, I was uneasy.

Looking out our downstairs window, I saw our big tree toppled over the street like a fallen giant. It had taken two tall pine trees down with it, and amazingly, they had all fallen away from the house.

After a phone call, the street crew arrived with a bulldozer. They pushed the tree and its debris away from the road and onto the sidewalk.

The next morning we got a closer look at the fallen trees. The angle of the big tree’s break told us it should have hit our house—but it didn’t. Instead, it fell in the opposite direction. I can only imagine the damage that giant tree could have done!

God spared us. The tree was old and we knew it needed to come down. We had even gotten an estimate from a tree removal company, but dragged our feet as we dealt with what we thought were other priorities.

Our gracious God protected our home—and possibly our lives—when we didn’t deserve it.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you for protecting us from trouble and granting deliverance in the middle of a Midwest thunderstorm.

Angel wings

Psalm 57:1 “…I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.”


But I am kept

under angel wings

covered in shadows

where mercy sings.


A place to stay

where else would I go

healing balm drips

on anxious soul.


Jesus keep me

clasped to your side

your cadence my step

my step your stride.


photo and poem by Patty Perkins


The One Year Bible, September 13, NIV, copyright 1986, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois.

Staid in the cleft

Exodus 33:22 “…I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand…”*

My son in the cleft, Barren River Lake, Kentucky

My son in the cleft, Barren River Lake, Kentucky


Like a chick nestled under hen

or a child tucked snuggly in.


Like chirping birds in a mud-packed nest

or hibernating bears at winter’s rest.


Like a bee hidden in flower’s bloom

or a babe secured in mother’s womb.


Like a climbing kid who’s found a safe spot

find me staid in the cleft of the rock.


by Patty Perkins


*The One Year Bible, February 11, NIV, copyright 1986, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois.

(Any advertisements shown are not from me.)

My Refuge

Psalm 59:16 “…for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.” (NIV)*

Castle on a hill

Castle on a hill (Photo credit: Jimmy McIntyre – Editor HDR One Magazine)

When trouble comes

As surely, it will

There’s a place to run

Fortress on a hill.


Bastion of protection

From enemy’s advance

A place to refocus

Strengthen battle stance.


Hiding behind parapets

On ramparts, standing guard

To load and even fire

When enemy presses hard.


A bulwark waiting

In lands of uncertainty

A supporting stronghold

My refuge, is He.


poem by Patty Perkins


*The One Year Bible, New International Version, copyright 1986, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois.