Windows of time

… but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. I Tim. 6:17

Windows of time close, even as they open.

Gravity has no mercy.

The present can’t be found

in windows past, nor windows to come.

Look now. Take in the beauty.

Bask in the life this window brings.

Search for four-leaf clovers and linger over wild roses —

Before leaves wither and petals drop.

Go barefoot through dewy grass and chase sunsets with a butterfly net —

before grass brittles and the sun vanishes behind a looming horizon.

This moment in time, embrace. Then, let go.

Lest heart be caught — turned to salt — and miss the next good thing.

For as one window closes, another one opens.


Patty Perkins


Life goes quickly and we sometimes don’t realize what we have until we don’t have it anymore. We dwell on yesterday or live for tomorrow — missing the joys of today. Live today. Seize each moment as a gift. Treasure it because moments pass and life never stays the same.


“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexander Graham Bell


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

But Lot’s wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:26


Any advertisements shown are not from me.

He exalts

“Wait for the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land …” Psalm 37:34

Oh Sacred One there standing

Grant me now your favor.

Oblige this soul to know

The blessing of the Savior.


No longer exalting self

My Lord stands at the helm.

He alone lifts up

To a higher, unseen realm.


Our part is to wait for the Lord. To walk in daily obedience to his Word and follow as his Spirit leads. It is not our place to exalt ourselves. He alone, the exalted one, lifts up.

One who knows

“Each heart knows its own bitterness and no one else can share its joy.” Proverbs 14:10

Maybe it’s time to take unrealistic expectations off other people. No matter how well I try to explain what I’m going through to others, they’ll never completely know how I feel. They can’t, and that’s okay, because God knows.

He sees every detail of my life. He knows every twinge and hurt endured along the way. I can come to him with my need for mercy, healing and peace.

He knows the thrill when something good happens. Others may get it to an extent, but there is one who understands completely.

Yes, we share with others. We tell the griefs, share the joys and listen to theirs. We carry each others burdens the best we can. But if I’m looking for another person to fully get it and understand, my search is going to be futile.

Here is my comfort: “But he knows the way that I take … ” Job 23:10

There is One who knows and may He keep you in His tender care.

Thwarted arrows

 “In the shelter of your presence you hide them … in your dwelling you keep them safe from accusing tongues.” Psalm 31:20

Where is the arrow

shot from enemy’s bow?

Where are the accusations

that have been thrown?


They’ve been thwarted,

diverted from my path.

Dispersed, fallen,

and of strength — sapped.


Keep me in your presence,

hidden in perfect love.

Safe from accusing tongues,

restored and ready to serve.


He shuts out accusing voices. He stills the echo of negative words and constant criticism. He quiets the soul. In His presence I am hidden, tucked under his sheltering wings — out of sight and out of mind from those who would bring down.


A quiet place

“…Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31 (NIV)


My rest is in Jesus

My strength and my song,

No matter the workload—

The day short or long.


He settles my heart

Before the task,

Refills the tank—

If I but ask.


Alone with him

Is surely ideal,

A chance to recoup—

Restore and heal.


Time with Jesus

In a quiet place,

Prepares the heart—

For the hectic race.


Seed scatterer

This is what the kingdom of heaven is like. A man scatters seed on the ground.  … the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how … Mark 4:26-27 (NIV)



Come be a seed scatterer

     A kingdom of heaven gatherer.

          Sow seed into wide swaths of soil

               For planting is the laborers toil.


Growth comes only by God’s hand

     The sprouting seed not caused by man.

          Who can know how a seed does grow

               Where the wind of the Spirit might choose to blow?


When he comes may he find my sack

     Empty of seeds upon my back.

          Sown in soils where he has led

               A harvest sprouting from entrusted seed heads.


This Christmas, choose what’s better

“Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42


Last week someone asked if I was ready for Christmas. I said yes. This week…not so much. The last minute baking, food prep, packing for travel and that one-more-box of cards to buy leave me feeling unprepared.

With every task I check off, the to-do list only seems to grow. What happened to being ready?

Mary got it right. She focused on what mattered. She spent time with the Lord rather than bustling around with preparations. Yes, chores have to be done. But approaching the list with a fresh attitude is key. 

This Christmas, I’m trying to remember to take a breather. To sit at the fit of Jesus before the preparations of the day. To listen. To pray. I want to focus on what can’t be taken away.

Lord, grant your presence. Be my calm before the day begins, remain during the hustle and bustle, and linger long after the last plate is washed and crumbs are swept.

Unless you strengthen me

Again the One who looked like a man touched me and gave me strength…” Daniel 11:18



How can I be strong,

except you strengthen me.

How can I know your will,

except you speak to me.


How can I have you near,

except you dwell in me.

How can I be worthy,

except you cover me.


How can I call you Father,

except you loved me.

How can I live forever,

except you died for me.


That reason to get up

“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever—do not abandon the works of your hands.” Psalm 138:8



He made James faithful and John devoted,

Timothy proved loyal and Peter emoted.

Martha got it done and Mary took it in,

David grew heart-broken, and Paul determined.


He created Moses a leader and Ruth a follower,

Joseph rose a dreamer and Esther an interceder.

Each one granted a purpose to fulfill,

These heroes, the faithful, who do his will.


Each of us has a purpose to fulfill. It’s that reason to get up in the morning. May we all find it, or die searching.

An ocean deep

“This is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” I John 4:10


Love is not based on our love for God. That foundation would be unstable at best because it’s based on human capabilities. Love is based on what God did for us. He sent his Son as a sacrifice for our sins. All other love springs from that foundation…or is it an ocean?


An ocean deep,

Is the well of God’s love—

where springs begin

and rivers flow—

it’s endless depths

no man can know.


On shores of sand

 foundations collapse—

yet tides of mercy pull

and waves of grace call—

God’s ocean reverberates

for one, for all.
